Sunday 17 December 2023

New Campaign Objectives

Landshut campaign phase day 1

Since the Sixth Campaign began June 2020 the campaign objective has been to take the enemy capitol city, which is also their main supply depot.   In the current Landshut campaign this is Landshut, which is held by the French.

The map shows the deployment of both armies at the start of day 1.   The French are deployed to the left of the Landshut-Ratisbon district border.    The Austrians are deployed to the right, their main depot is Ratisbon.

The Austrians have orders to take and keep the city of Landshut.   To do so they will have to take all six towns in the Landshut region.   Thus this campaign should provide six battles to wargame.

For this campaign to work the Austrians must take the three border towns, forcing the French to retreat to Essenbach, Landshut and Dorfen.   If they fail to take all three, or at least two and thus force the French to retreat or be surrounded, then the campaign has failed with only three battles being wargamed.

I am working on a new campaign concept.  

Once again the Austrians have orders to attack.    They will dice to decide which of the three border towns to attack.   If they lose the French will continue to hold the town, but the Austrians will have a second attempt on day four, when the other two border towns have been fought over.

If the Austrians defeat the French army, but fail to take the town, the French will leave one corps to hold the town.    The Austrians will lay siege.   The retreating French army will have two days to regroup and attempt to raise the siege.

This will require a new set of siege rules.    The actual siege will not be fought as a wargame.    But there will be an exchange of artillery fire, which will may produce casualties to either side.  The siege rules will be simple, and will favour the attacking army.    In Spain there will be the added difficulty of the French supply lines.

The objective is to allow more choice of possible battles, and thus wargames.  

As always there will be a couple of months of play testing before I decide whether this is an improvement or not.   I suspect that after just one campaign phase it will be pretty obvious.

The next campaign phase will be set in northern Germany and will play test the new concept.                                                                  

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