Sunday 21 April 2019

Albacete Campaign – Day 5

Campaign Map on 12 September 1813
Both armies are running short of supplies
Suchet orders his rear depots to forward supplies to his forward depots
However they are unable to do so because they come under attack from guerrillas

The Spanish supply system is even worse
They can only provide three days supplies to each corps, to the French four days
This means that they have to resupply more often
The loss of their depots at Riopar, Hellin and Elda has made this situation worse

Giron would like to attack 7th French corps with his 1st and 2nd Corps
But both are almost out of supply
He orders both to gather all available supplies and prepare to attack

He also orders an attack on the French reserve depots

1 militia brigade attacks Manzanares.
The result is a draw and the guerrillas continue to lay siege to the depot

2 militia brigade attacks Albacete
The guerrillas suffer heavy casualties and retreat with 30% casualties
They are effectively destroyed and will take no further part in the campaign

3 militia brigade attacks Almansa
The result is also a draw and the siege of the depot continues

Although none of the depots have been taken, they have been seriously disrupted
None have been able to forward supplies to the forward depots as ordered

None have been able to collect that days supplies from surrounding areas

Campaign Notes

The French advance has allowed the militia/guerrilla brigades to take the offensive.

Guerrilla brigades can attack isolated towns/depots or supply convoys.   But only if there is not a French corps within one square of the town or convoy.

The French advance has left their three rear depots of Manzanares, Albacete and Almansa unsupported.  

To attack a Guerrilla brigade must be in supply.   They also have a maximum of three days supplies.  They can resupply from any village or farm, or a friendly town.   They can collect up to their maximum of three days providing that they do not move at all that day.

Guerrilla attacks are not fought as a wargame, they are decided by the roll of 1D6 and the following table

01       Guerrilla rout with 30% casualties
02       Guerrilla rout with 20% casualties
03       Guerrilla retreat with 10% casualties
04       Guerrilla retreat no casualties
05       Draw continue attack
06       Garrison hold with 10% casualties

If the guerrilla roll 5 or 6 they can continue the attack next day, providing that they still have supplies.

A garrison cannot collect supplies whilst under attack.  So even if they defeat the guerrillas, the French supply system will be disrupted.

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