Campaign Map
13 August 1813 – Southern Germany – Day 2
French attack Buxheim and occupy Weichering
7th French army – attack Buxheim
8th French army – hold Amberg
9th French army – occupy Weichering
1st Austrian army – defend Buxheim
2nd Austrian army – advance to border
3rd Austrian army – retreat to Manching
Battle of Buxheim – End of Battle
7th Bavarian army, commanded by Marshal Massena, has orders to attack Buxheim
1st Austrian army, commanded by General Schwartzenberg, has orders to defend Buxheim
Bavarians have10 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 3 corps artillery
2 infantry brigades are detached on garrison duty
Austrians have 9 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, and 3 corps artillery
3 infantry brigades are detached on garrison duty
The Austrians know that the French have attacked the town of Weichering, but are not yet aware of the outcome of that battle. 2nd corps is deployed close to the border to observe any enemy movement. 1st and 3rd corps are under orders to move forward at daybreak to support 2nd corps.
Massena is aware that he has lost the element of surprise, and orders his army to advance at first light and attack Buxheim
For the first six moves the battle goes well for Massena.
On the left 21st corps deployed north of the hill, 3rd Austrian corps south of the hill
In the centre the cavalry reserve, and 21 corps artillery, support 20 corps
On the right 19 corps have forced 1st Austrian corps to withdraw from the farm
At the start of move seven the cavalry reserve move forward to engage the Austrian cavalry
They lose both cavalry melee and rout with 10% casualties to each brigade
The Austrians have received no casualties, the nearby artillery fail to hit them at short range
One brigade charge and rout the gunners, the second brigade charge and rout infantry brigade
The Austrian cavalry rally and are still full strength, they have broken the Bavarian centre
Massena abandons his attack on the farm and orders his army to retreat
Cavalry Melee
In one move an almost certain Bavarian victory turns into complete defeat.
The Bavarian commander combines two cavalry brigades to form a reserve, and puts it in the centre to support his main attack. The Austrian commander quickly follows suit, to counter this move.
This leaves one cavalry brigade, on the right of the table. The Bavarian cavalry charge and rout the Austrian brigade. This leaves them with a decisive advantage on their left flank.
The Bavarian reserve cavalry now advance, to clear the way for the main attack in the centre. They are immediately charged by the Austrian reserve cavalry. The Austrians roll a 5 and a 6, this means the Bavarian cavalry have received 10% casualties to each brigade. They test their morale and roll a 1 and a 2, they fail and both rout
The nearby Bavarian artillery fire on the nearest Austrian brigade, they need a 2 or more to hit at close range, and they roll 1. The Austrian cavalry rally and are both full strength. One brigade charges the gunners, who are too close to react, they rout with 10% casualties. The second brigade charges the nearest infantry brigade. The infantry test morale to form square, they roll a 2, this means they are shaken and cannot react. The cavalry charge home and rout the infantry with 10% casualties.
The Bavarian centre is broken, and worst than that the Austrian reserve cavalry are still full strength. The Bavarian infantry in the centre form square, as do the infantry to their right behind the hill. Both corps start to retreat in square.
The Bavarian left are still in a very strong position. They have driven the enemy out of the farm and sent their grenadier brigade in to take possession. Their cavalry and artillery are pushing back the rest of the Austrian corps. However with the centre and right in retreat, the whole Austrian army can turn on them. So they must also retreat.
A very dramatic end to the battle. But also a very disappointing one. No one likes to win a game, or lose one, solely on the luck of the dice. Very good Austrian dice combined with very poor Bavarian dice has brought about this result. But a game is a game, even if the result will have a dramatic effect on the whole campaign, which is only on day two out of nine.
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