Friday 29 October 2021

Napoleonic AB figures for sale – Prussian

Complete Prussian Collection

Blucher and Prussian Generals

Prussian Dragoon, Kuirassier, Uhlan and Hussar Brigades

Prussian Artillery Crews - guns not included

1-4 Line Infantry Brigades

5-8 Line Infantry Brigades

9-10 Line and 1-2 Reserve Brigades

 1-4 Landwehr Brigades


These figures are organised and based for use with my 1813 Napoleonic campaign.  

They are organised in four corps.     Each corps has:

1 general

corps artillery of 4 gunners

four infantry brigades of 8 figures each

one cavalry brigade of 4 figures

Figures by type

7 generals

16 gunners

4 cuirassier

4 hussars

4 lancers

4 dragoons

64 line infantry

32 reserve infantry

32 landwehr infantry

Total figures

generals        7

infantry         128

cavalry          16

gunners        16

mounted       23

foot               144


Guns are not included.   

This is because there are only sufficient guns for use with the campaign order of battle.   There are 16 guns painted to represent all national corps.    See vehicle blog for more details.


  1. Paul,

    If they have not already sold I would strongly recommend joining the Napoleonic Wargaming Facebook group. Its a large group and very active and lots of selling of figures happens there :)

    Best of luck,


  2. Paul, I came to your blog after being away from the blogs for a while to see you selling figures and got worried!
    I am pleased that it is only a clearing of 'surplus' figures. It's those important hobby decisions that we must all make: when to sell the figures that we'll never paint (or give them away as I did with some 15 mm ones), when to sell the figures that we'll never use and then, the big one, or generally someone else does that for us! :)
    Regards, James

  3. Hi Lee

    Thanks for your suggestion. I will certainly join and see how it works.



  4. Hi James

    No chance of me getting rid of my 28mm figures. Jan and I wargame with them most days, and would be lost without them.

    It just seems a shame to have so many nice figures sitting on the shelf and not being used. Many years ago we belonged to a wargame club in the UK, and started using 15mm Miniature Figurines because that was what the club used. Eventually we replaced them with AB Figures.

    But we have always preferred the larger figures, and I don't see that changing now.




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