Friday 20 September 2019

Rosenheim Campaign – Day 4

Campaign Map on 6 October 1813
Oudinot has secured his position on the right bank of the river Isar
However 9th and 11th corps are about to run out of supplies
He orders four days supplies from Bad Tolz to Rosenheim

Schwartzenberg is in a desperate situation
His defeat at Traunreut and Rosenheim have left his army badly shaken
He must concentrate on holding his base at Traunstein
He orders 4th corps to abandon Kufstein and move to Traunstein

Campaign Notes
Oudinot has achieved the campaign objective of taking Rosenheim
But he must now hold on to it.

His victories at Traunreut and Rosenheim have removed the threat of another Austrian counter attack.   But in moving east of the river he has over extended his lines of supply.  

9th and 11th corps are down to one days supplies.  They must rests to regroup and resupply.  But there are insufficient supplies at hand.  

Oudinot has sufficient transport to move four days supplies three squares each day.  He orders four days supplies from Bad Tolz to Rosenheim.   This will not solve the supply problem, but it will ease it.

He must now establish his forward base at Rosenheim, build up supplies there and rest, resupply and reinforce his disordered corps.

12th corps at Tegensee are surprised when 4th Austrian corps abandon Kufstein.   They immediately cross the river and occupy the town.  

This pause by Oudinot to regroup his corps and move his supplies forward would normally be the time for Schwartzenberg to counter attack.  However his two defeats have left three of his four corps too weak to undertake such a move. 

He must abandon his objective of holding the line of the river Iser and concentrate  on holding his base at Traunstein.   If he is defeated there he will have to retreat east and accept defeat.

It looks like the Austrian long run of victories in the 1813 campaign are about to come to an end.

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