Tuesday 9 February 2010

Visit to Maya

In July 1813 Wellington had won the decisive battle of Vitoria and driven the French out of Spain. He halted his army on the Spanish side of the Pyrenees and laid siege to the Spanish fortresses of San Sebastian and Pamplona, both of which were still held by French garrisons. To cover these sieges he placed covering forces on the passes through the mountains and held his main army in reserve to counter any attempt to raise either siege.

On 25 July 1813 Marshal Soult marched into Spain to raise the siege of Pamplona. He divided his army into two columns, 25 miles apart. The western one struck at Roncesvalles and eastern one at Maya.

Last week I recounted our visit to Roncesvalles. This week it is the turn of Maya. Both are beautiful and impressive locations. Maya slightly less so, and also more difficult to map read due to a new road system.

You can read about our interesting, if frustrating, visit at:


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