Sunday 27 October 2024

Jean Campaign – Day Three

Campaign Map

Main French depot at Hellin – 60 days supplies
French attack Ubeda
Guerrilla brigades active

13th French army – occupy Ubeda
14th French army – attack Jodar
15th French army – rally and resupply at Huelma

1st Spanish army – retreat to Linares
2nd Spanish army – defend Jodar
3rd Spanish army - rally and resupply at Alcaudete

4 guerrilla brigade – attack convoy – capture 6 supplies – escort lose10% casualties
Battle of Jodar – Move 2

At the end of move 2 the Spanish are in position on the three game objectives.
These are the bridge on the left, the woods in the centre and the village on the right

The French enter the table at the start of move 1, and are delayed by the difficult terrain.
The CinC has taken command of most of 42 corps and is between the river and the hill

On the right the Spanish cavalry charge the French gunners as they emerge from the woods. The gunners take shelter in the woods, and the rest of the corps halt. 4 Spanish corps advance to pin them in the woods, and they remain there throughout the battle.

In the centre 41 Baden corps advance through the pass. They pin 5th Spanish corps between the woods and the village, and attack and take the woods.

On the left 42 Polish corps has two brigades on the left bank, and the remainder on the right bank commanded by the CinC. 6 Spanish corps have 6 pounder artillery, which are easily outgunned by the heavier French 9 pounders. The first attack in on the left bank, where the two Spanish brigades lose the melee and retreat. The CinC then moves forward his artillery, and the cavalry pin the infantry on the right bank. The squares take heavy casualties and the whole corps breaks and runs back to the town.

Having taken two of the three objectives the French have won the game

The French lose 1 infantry and 1 artillery casualties (500 men)
The Spanish lose 5 infantry, 1 cavalry and 1 artillery casualties (2200 men)


The French have won the first three battles, as was expected. Despite having detached 6 infantry and 3 cavalry brigades they are as strong as they will ever be. They have the advantage of surprise, and the Spanish army is not deployed at the start of the campaign.

During this period the Spanish guerrilla capture another supply train, killing 10% of the escort brigade and capturing 6 more supplies.

As the French advance they will have to detach more infantry to garrison the three towns they have taken. They will also have longer lines of supply, and be even more at risk from guerrilla attacks. In three days the French have lost 9 days supplies, leaving just 60 days for the rest of the campaign.

The French started the campaign with 90 days supplies. Each day they need 9 days, one for each of the 9 corps. The loss of 9 days to guerrilla means that they must complete their campaign in 8 days instead of  9.

In addition the supplies lost will have to be replaced from the main depot at Hellin.  It will take three days to reach Ubeda from Hellin, and each day they are subject to guerrilla attack. Of the 6 days supplies they lost today, 3 were to replace those lost yesterday. Clearly this will have a major impact on the mobility of 13th Army as they advance to take Linares and Andjuar.

To capture a convoy the guerrilla have to roll 5 or 6 with 1D6. If they roll 1 or 2 they lose 10% casualties. A 3 or 4 results in no casualties, the supplies continue to their destination and the guerrilla have to retreat to their base.

You will see that the French have been unlucky, not only to lose two convoys but for both of them to belong to the same army. The main depot at Hellin can divert supplies from 14th and 15th Army Groups, but they will still have to travel at least three, and possibly four, days to reach 13th Army.

It is very early days, but I am quite pleased how the new rules are affecting the campaign. I doubt that it will continue to have such an impact, but you never know!

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