Sunday 22 September 2024

End of Halle Campaign

1 August 1813 – Halle Campaign - Day 7

French halt at river Saale
4 French army – resupply at Mansfield
5 French army – rally and resupply at Eisleben
6 French army – rally and resupply at Querfurt

Russian hold Konnern, Halle and Luena and win the campaign
1 Russian army – resupply at Konnern
2 Russian army - resupply at Halle
3 Russian army – rally and resupply at Luena

Battles fought during the Halle campaign

The French won four of the six battles fought.
However the Russians still held the city of Halle

The French won the first three battles at Mansfeld, Eisleben and Querfurt.
The Russians won the next two at Konnern and Halle
The French won the final battle at Luena, but  had to retreat
With Konnern and Halle in Russian hands, Luena was too isolated to hold

Despite winning four of the six battles, the French were unable to take Halle
This was the campaign objective and to win they had to take and hold the city
The Russians held Konnern, Halle and Leuna and won the campaign.
Battles fought in Erfurt Region

This was the fourth phase to be fought in central Germany since the sixth campaign began in June 2020. The French won two and the Russians also won two. There have been 23 battles to wargame, the French have won 15 and the Russians 8.


This campaign was fought during July and August, what we consider high summer here in Spain. Temperatures are usually 34-39c, and outside activity greatly reduced. We try to complete any outside work by 0900 each day, and after that follow the Spanish tradition and try to keep out of the sun.

Our annual family visit is also in August. Our son and his family of five visit us for three weeks. They pretty well take over the house but over the 18 years they have been spending their holiday with us we have developed a well tried routine.

Now that the children are 18, 14 and 10 they are no longer banned from the wargames room. Unfortunately, like their dad, they have no interest at all in Wargaming. But our daily routine includes an hour or two of Wargaming, during which they keep clear of the wargames room (which includes the fridge containing their supply of ice cream and ice lollies).

Given the above I think we have done quite well to complete six wargames in the six weeks it took to complete the campaign. One game a week is our norm, and we managed to maintain that average even during the three hectic weeks of their visit.

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