Saturday 17 August 2019

Salzwedel Campaign – Day 9

Campaign Map on 30 September 1813 

Both armies are battered and weary after seven battles in eight days
Both have suffered heavy battle casualties, but the French less than the Prussians
The Prussian victory at Dahre has given Blucher some hope

But Napoleon is determined to increase the pressure and finish the campaign
On his left 3rd corps is in retreat after their defeat at Dahre
On his right 13th corps has laid siege to Kalden, but in not strong enough to attack

That leaves his Old Guard and Reserve.
They have already suffered heavy casualties trying to take Salzwedel

The city is held by 2nd Prussian corps and parts of 4th corps
They have suffered more casualties than the French
Most brigades have at least 10% casualties, and many 20% or even 30%
They urgently need a couple of days to rest, resupply and reinforce
But they do have sufficient troops to fully garrison the fortified city

Napoleon is aware that an attack on the walls of Salzwedel means risking his guard
Despite this he orders them to attack
Battle of Salzwedel – Move 5

To supply the city Blucher must also hold the adjoining map squares
To do so he must deploy most of his army outside the city walls
He creates three commands
On the left one infantry brigade, and 1st corps artillery
In the city three infantry brigades
On the right one infantry brigade, one cavalry and 4th corps artillery

Napoleon also creates three commands
On the left guard cavalry, artillery and one infantry brigade
In the centre three guard infantry brigades
On the right 4th corps cavalry and artillery

The French artillery have less casualties than the Prussian
Despite this they fail to inflict any casualties during the early part of the battle

Napoleon orders 4th corps to attack on the right
Their cuirassier brigade win the cavalry melee, but fail to rally
They charge the nearby artillery and are routed in their turn

Napoleon orders his three reserve infantry brigades to support the right
As they move past the town they come under musket fire from the garrison
One brigade received 10% casualties and has to be replaced by the reserve brigade

Napoleon did not want to commit his left flank
This consists of his guard cavalry and 1st grenadier brigade
However his artillery has failed to weaken the defenders
So he orders his cavalry to charge the weak gunners (20% casualties)
The gunners run to the nearby square
1st grenadier brigade charge and break the square and gunners

By nightfall 6 of the 8 Prussian brigades are in rout
Two brigades still hold the city, but this is insufficient to withstand an attack
Blucher orders them to abandon the city and join the retreat

Campaign Notes
Napoleon has managed to take the walled city of Salzwedel
By attacking the enemy outside the city, but not the city itself
It has cost him 500 casualties and one brigade in rout
Blucher has lost 2300 casualties and six brigades in rout

This was achieved by a weakened Old Guard and even weaker Reserve

The Prussians started with more battle casualties than the French
But worse still they included heavy cavalry and artillery casualties
One brigade has 40% casualties, the other 20% casualties
2nd corps artillery had 20% casualties, reserve artillery was full strength

This meant that they could not hold their own against the French cavalry
Nor could they hope to inflict many artillery casualties on the French infantry

However Napoleon was very lucky to win with such light casualties


  1. Thistlebarrow,

    I'm not too surprised that Napoleon decided to strike before the Prussians had time to rest and recuperate. It was a gamble ... but it paid off. The only problem I can see is that he might not be able to exploit his temporary advantage and totally destroy the Prussian army.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next.

    All the best,


  2. Hi Bob

    By taking Salzwedel the French have forced the Prussians to retreat. They must put at least one square between them and the French, this will take them off the map. In the campaign that means they are removed from the campaign. Therefore the French have won.

    I usually put the campaign objective in the centre of the map. This would keep the activity in the centre, as both sides took and tried to retake, the objective. However it would also mean a lot of fighting around that objective.

    There is still the conclusion of the campaign to come, but that was the last battle.

    Thanks for your comments on the campaign

    Following your new campaign system with interest

    best regards



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