Wednesday 8 May 2019

Albacete Campaign – Day 10

Campaign Map on 17 September 1813

French army halt and resupply

The French retreat has forced 3 and 5 militia brigades to move to safety
5 militia brigade was out of supply and lose 400 attrition casualties for moving

The Spanish field army resupply, rally and reorganise.
Each corps also receive battle casualty replacements

Campaign Notes

Both armies are at last able to resupply

This is more difficult for the French because they are more dispersed
Two of the three corps are fully resupplied, but 7th corps has only received two days
It avoids any attrition casualties, but Suchet will still have to rearrange his depots

It is much easier for the Spanish, because they are more concentrated
All four corps are now have three days supplies
All brigades have rallied and are now fully formed
Each corps has received battle casualty replacements
One brigade in each corps receives 100 cavalry/artillery or 400 infantry replacements

The Spanish army is now fully supplied and ready to take the field again
However some brigades still require more battle casualty replacements
They can move without them, but will be weaker should they have to fight.

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