Sunday 7 July 2024

Santander Campaign – Day Six

Campaign Map

Day 2 siege of Soncillo
Battle of Santander
British occupy Medina

10 French army – attack Santander
11 French army – rally and regroup
12 French army – siege of Soncillo

1 British army – defend Santander
2 British army – occupy Medina
3 British army – hold Soncillo

13 brigade – attack convoy, capture 9 days supplies, escort routed
14 brigade – attack convoy, routed with 10% casualties
16 brigade - attack convoy, fail, retreat no casualties
21 brigade – attack convoy, routed with 10% casualties

Battle of Santander – End of Move 2

Once more the French have to cross the river Ebro, this time to reach the city of Santiago which is the campaign objective. The British army hold a position just in front of the city, which consists of woods on the left and right and a villa in the centre. All three are game objectives, and the winner will hold at least two of the three.

The French send their cavalry, supported by artillery and infantry, to secure three bridgeheads. British cavalry move forward to threaten them, but do not attack.

The French move forward, with the first attack against the Spanish held woods on the left. The Spanish fight hard, and gain an early advantage, but are eventually driven from the woods. They attempt a counter attack, but it is quickly repulsed.

2nd British corps holds the villa in the centre. They are never in any danger of losing the villa, not even when the Spanish rout on their right.

1st British corps holds the woods on the right, the woods itself held by the Guards brigade. The French attack is supported by artillery from 29th corps. The British are forced to withdraw, leaving the guards in the woods. With artillery fire from both corps they eventually withdraw. However as soon as the French enter the woods the British guards counter attack. After a close fought melee the French finally take the woods.

With two of the three game objectives securely held by the French they have won the game.

French have lost 5 infantry and 2 cavalry casualties (2200 men)
British have lost 6 infantry and 2 cavalry casualties (2600 men)
Spanish have lost 2 infantry and 1 cavalry casualties (900 men)


10th French Army Group have suffered extreme loss of supplies due to Spanish guerrilla activity. At the start of Day Six their three corps are down to just two days supplies each. Marshal Soult has a difficult decision to make. He can attack Santander and hope to end the campaign with a great victory. Or he can order 10th Group to retreat to Sarautz, where there are nine days supplies have just arrived from San Sebastian. He orders 10th Group to attack Santander. At the end of the day they will have just one days supplies. But the supplies from San Sebastian will arrive the following day

Whilst he is attacking Santander the supply convoy from Sarautz to Laredo, with nine days supplies, is attacked by 13th guerrilla brigade. The escort is routed with 10% casualties and the supplies are captured.

The French have clearly won the first day of battle. However the British hold the approach to Santander and the city itself. A second day of battle is required to determine who will hold the city, and thus win the campaign.


  1. Thistlebarrow,

    I sense that although the French have won this part of the battle, things are not going to be easy for them during the next phase. I look forward to seeing what happens next.

    All the best,


    1. Hi Bob

      Thanks for your comment

      Well spotted, the dreaded guerrillas have played an important part in this campaign, much more than usual. This is mostly due to some particularly good dice rolls when they attacked convoys. The supply situation is now critical for the French and Soult has to make some very difficult decisions




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